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Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive Today!

Limited Time Offer

Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive Today!

Promotes the relaxation and widening of arteries
Supports healthy blood pressure
Aids cardiovascular function
Supports restful, rejuvenating sleep
Boosts natural energy production

Over 17,000 Americans Are Now Supporting Their Blood Pressure Health With BP Thrive

"I am excited to say that I can actually see the results with BP Thrive, even after only a few weeks!"

star star star star star Gale S.

"After using BP Thrive for three weeks my numbers look stable and I feel better too. Ordering more today!"

star star star star star Mark G.

"I have been seeing fantastic results with BP Thrive. I feel great in the morning and energized. It works so well I ordered it for my husband too."

star star star star star Sarah S.
Hi, my name's Dr. Ryan Shelton.

And I'm going to show you how in less than 10 seconds a day, you can take back control of your blood pressure, and finally feel hopeful and confident about the future.

In just a moment, you'll discover the secret to long term blood pressure control, so you can:

Stop worrying about this silent enemy, even if it runs in your family.
Eat more of your favorite foods without worry or guilt.
Feel energized all day, every day, so you can enjoy your favorite activities and hobbies, and spend quality time with your loved ones.
Sleep better at night, relaxed and content that your blood pressure is in the normal range
Quit feeling like you have an invisible, permanent problem that will never go away.

So what is this secret to long term blood pressure control?

The Science Behind BP Thrive

Research shows that elevated blood pressure occurs when the space inside your arteries becomes tight and constricted. This is called vasoconstriction. In short, there's no longer enough room for blood to flow smoothly. This results in the heart having to pump more blood, faster, to keep the circulation going.

If this problem isn't addressed, the force of the blood pushing against your artery walls becomes consistently too high, and your blood pressure keeps rising.

And that's not good news for your heart.

The solution is to promote the opposite of vasoconstriction: vasodilation.

This is when the arteries relax and widen, allowing for the smooth passage of blood. When this happens, your heart doesn't have to work so hard, and your blood pressure goes down.

But what I discovered with my own patients – which has now been supported by studies from Harvard, Yale, and Johns Hopkins – is that there isn't just one root factor involved in vasoconstriction

There are THREE.

And this is why today's blood pressure solutions don't achieve real, long term results. Because they're not tackling the problem from all three interconnected and equally crucial angles, which means your arteries are never fully relaxed and dilated.

After identifying these three root factors, I've spent almost two years developing a research-backed, triple-action and synergistic formula to address this issue.

I call it:

My P.I.C. Formula

P.I.C. stands for Plaques, Inflammation, and Cortisol.

As we age, arterial plaques – which consist of fatty deposits and dead cells – build-up on the inner walls of our arteries. Over time, blockages form and the space inside those arteries becomes narrower (vasoconstriction) making it harder for blood to pass through.


The second factor is chronic inflammation within the endothelium, the inner lining of the arteries. The endothelium is where nitric oxide is produced, which is the body's natural vasodilator. But as inflammatory proteins build-up over time, they damage the endothelium, leading to reduced nitric oxide production and further vasoconstriction.


In today's fast-paced and time-poor world, stress is an ever present, and chronic stress is bad news for blood pressure. The body's natural stress response is to trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes our arteries to tighten and constrict. The problem is, new research shows that the stress response, and the amount of cortisol released increases as we age.

When I discovered that these three interconnected root factors were behind my patients' blood pressure woes, and according to the CDC, a further 122 million Americans, I had an idea:

What if I could come up with a natural, research-backed, and synergistic solution that addressed all three of these root factors in one, easy-to-take formula?


With that idea, BP Thrive was born.

Promotes the relaxation and widening of arteries
Supports better blood pressure control
Aids cardiovascular function
Supports restful, rejuvenating sleep
Boosts natural energy production
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task_alt One-Time Purchase, No Monthly Subscription

BP Thrive is a unique approach to blood pressure support.

This proprietary formula includes a blend of natural, research-backed ingredients that work synergistically to promote vasodilation, the relaxing and widening of your arteries.

BP Thrive does this by targeting the three proven root factors behind vasoconstriction: plaques, inflammation, and cortisol, which together constrict your arteries and impede the smooth flow of blood around your circulatory system. To boost its effects further, BP Thrive also includes a powerful blend of vitamins and minerals shown to support vasodilation and the efficiency of the existing ingredients in the formula, giving you even stronger, faster results.

The BP Thrive Formula

GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is a vital neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, in the brain, which can trigger or inhibit specific reactions in the body. Crucially, recent research published in the journal Medical Hypotheses shows that GABA plays an "inhibitory role" in arterial plaque formation. In addition, GABA is a natural brain relaxant that reduces the stress response and cortisol release. For these reasons, GABA was shown to "significantly decrease normal-high blood pressure and borderline hypertension" in a 12-week trial published in the journal, Clinical & Experimental Hypertension.


Found in tea leaves, the amino acid L-theanine was shown to prevent arterial plaque build-up in a study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology. Added to that, L-theanine was found to inhibit the effects of stress on blood pressure control in a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology. The results showed that L-theanine “significantly inhibited blood pressure increases” in the group whose blood pressure typically rose when performing stressful tasks.

Baikal Skullcap

Used in traditional Chinese medicine, Baikal Skullcap is an herb with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Studies published in the journals Lipids in Health and Disease and Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy found that Baikal Skullcap was able to inhibit arterial plaque, as well as inflammation in the endothelium (inner lining of the arteries), and in turn, promote vasodilation and improved blood pressure control.


A powerful adaptogen, ashwagandha is well-known for reducing cortisol release. Ashwagandha is also shown to support endothelial function by reducing inflammation. Furthermore, ashwagandha contains compounds called withanolides, which have been found to have a relaxing effect on arteries, promoting vasodilation. A study published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine found that participants who took ashwagandha for 12 weeks experienced a "significant reduction" in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to the control group.

Holy Basil

A perennial flowering plant from the mint family, Holy Basil is another adaptogenic herb that helps to reduce the stress response and relax the arteries, as well as reducing arterial plaque formation. Added to that, Holy Basil is rich in an antioxidant called eugenol, which is a proven vasodilator. In a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, Holy Basil was shown to dilate the arteries and lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a lemon-scented herb from the mint family. Like Holy Basil, it is high in eugenol, which helps to relax and widen the arteries for smoother blood flow. It's also been shown to inhibit the release of the stress hormone cortisol, and reduce anxiety and tension. In a 10-week study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, lemon balm extract was shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 33 and 15 points respectively, compared to placebo.


This mineral is vital to blood pressure control and a healthy heart. The problem is, 75% of Americans are magnesium deficient, according to the World Health Organization. Magnesium supports endothelial function, helping to boost nitric oxide production and promote vasodilation of the arteries. In 2016, US researchers analysing the results of 34 clinical trials involving over 2,000 people, found a clear link between magnesium intake and blood pressure control.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 has a number of functions in the body, one of which is helping to control blood pressure. It does this by regulating the levels of sodium and potassium in the blood, but also the level of a hormone called angiotensin which causes vasoconstriction. In a study published in the journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies, participants who took vitamin B6 had lower blood pressure than those who did not. The study also showed that vitamin B6 helped to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 4.5 and 2.9 points respectively.

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Meet Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.

Dr. Shelton is a licensed and registered doctor of naturopathic medicine. He obtained a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Kansas, and later a doctorate of naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

Dr. Shelton has completed clinical internships at Bastyr University, the Casanova Clinic in Lima, Peru, and the Leonardis Clinic in Bad Heilbrunn, Germany. He is a member of both the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Illinois Association of Naturopathic Medicine.

Dr. Shelton also founded and developed Whole-Body Health, a multi-disciplinary family practice in Kansas City. In addition, he was the chief physician, formulator and consultant at the University Compounding Pharmacy in San Diego, and later the Wellness Director at Pacific Quest, a therapeutic wilderness program for adolescents and young adults in Hawaii.

Today, Dr. Shelton is the Medical Research Director at Zenith Labs®, where he fuses his extensive knowledge of naturopathic and traditional medicine to custom formulate innovative health solutions that are found in nature and backed by real research.

Clinically-Backed Ingredients Combined with Cutting-Edge Science Equals Real, Transformative Results

The team at Zenith Labs® has spared no expense in delivering a cutting-edge, research-backed anti-aging formula that delivers real results.

BP Thrive is formulated by Dr. Ryan Shelton N.D., and manufactured in the United States in a climate-controlled, FDA-inspected facility that adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). This guarantees the strictest standards in quality control to ensure the finest, purest, and most effective product imaginable.

BP Thrive is also third-party tested to guarantee that what's listed on the label is exactly what you get in the bottle.

Formulated For All

We're committed to creating a product that as many people as possible can benefit from, which is why BP Thrive is vegetarian and vegan-friendly, as well as being free from gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, crustaceans, and of course, nasty GMOs and BPAs.

Here's How BP Thrive Compares to Other Blood Pressure Support Formulas

BP Thrive
Other Blood Pressure Support Formulas
task_alt ‘Intelligent’ synergistic formula promotes arterial vasodilation
dangerous Random blood pressure ingredients thrown together
task_alt Ingredients validated by multiple clinical studies
dangerous Ingredients not always backed by rigorous clinical studies
task_alt Ingredients correctly dosed based on clinical studies
dangerous Low dosages of ingredients to cut costs
task_alt Doctor-formulated
dangerous May not be formulated by experts
task_alt No filler ingredients
dangerous May contain cheap fillers
task_alt Formulated for all
dangerous May contain gluten, soy, dairy, nuts or crustaceans
task_alt No GMOs or BPAs
dangerous May contain GMOs and/or BPAs
task_alt Manufactured in the USA
dangerous May be manufactured abroad in unknown, unregulated facilities
task_alt Manufactured in an FDA-inspected and cGMP facility
dangerous Facility may not be regularly inspected nor follow cGMP
task_alt Independently (third-party) tested
dangerous Not independently tested so you can't be sure what's in the bottle
task_alt 180-day money-back guarantee even if all the bottles have been used up
dangerous Minimum guarantee (30 or 60 days) revealing a lack of confidence in product's efficacy

Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive

Limited Offer for New Customers Only

BP Thrive retails for $59.95 per bottle, but as part of this limited-time special promotion, you can get your hands on a bottle right now, completely free. Simply cover the small shipping fee, and we’ll mail your bottle of BP Thrive straight to your doorstep.

Why are we giving away free bottles?

Simple. We’ve seen how successful BP Thrive is at regulating blood pressure and transforming the health, vitality and quality of life of our many thousands of happy customers, and we want to help more people achieve the same life-changing results.

And of course, once you’ve tried BP Thrive and experienced those results yourself, we know you’ll be coming back for more!

Remember, unlike other blood pressure solutions, BP Thrive targets all three culprits behind vasoconstriction, the root factor behind elevated blood pressure.

By addressing plaque build-up, inflammation, and cortisol all at once, this cutting-edge and synergistic formula promotes vasodilation, the relaxing and widening of the arteries, which helps to support smooth blood flow and better blood pressure control.

This intelligent, science-backed formulation is why BP Thrive is producing such remarkable results for thousands of people all over the country – and this is your chance to join them.

Better yet, you only have to pay the small shipping fee to do so!

But of course, we can’t keep this special offer running for long, which is why it’s strictly limited in number, and only available to new customers. So as soon as those 300 free bottles have been snapped up, this offer will disappear for good.

So if you’re ready to claim your FREE bottle of BP Thrive, be sure to click the button below to check if any bottles are still available. If they are, I advise you take advantage now while you still can.

Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive Before This Special Offer Ends!

Limited Time Offer

Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive Before This Special Offer Ends!

Just Pay $9.95 Shipping
task_alt One-Time Purchase, No Monthly Subscription

But wait… there's more!

WORTH $59.85

At this point in our conversation, I imagine you're ready to jump on this one-time opportunity, and claim your savings before this latest batch of BP Thrive runs out.

But before you do, I'm going to make this deal even sweeter for you.

When you upgrade your order today, you will also receive a special bonus package worth a further $59.85, absolutely free.

These specially-created digital bonuses are designed to help you enjoy even faster and stronger improvements in your blood pressure.

And importantly, they also allow you to get a head start on your health journey while you wait for your BP Thrive order to reach you!

Claim Your FREE Bottle of BP Thrive Today & Receive 3 Bonuses Worth $59.85!

Bonus #1

22 Delicious Meals for Healthy Blood Pressure
Value: $19.95 | Today: FREE
$19.95 Free!

To help accelerate your results and make life easier, we will also send you this brand-new recipe book, specially created for use alongside BP Thrive.

22 Delicious Meals for Healthy Blood Pressure is an absolute must have if you love to eat delicious meals, but are sick of worrying about how those foods might be impacting on your blood pressure health.

With this recipe book by your side, you'll get to enjoy:

No more planning or decision-making about what to cook – we've done it all for you!
8 breakfast recipes, 7 lunch recipes, and 7 dinner recipes to choose from
Full ingredients list and step-by-step instructions to make whipping up each meal as easy-as-pie!

Let's be clear: using these recipes isn't something you have to do! But if you would like to strengthen and accelerate your results from BP Thrive with hardly any effort, this is a great way to do it.

Bonus #2

17 Super Smoothies for Healthy Blood Pressure
Value: $19.95 | Today: FREE
$19.95 Free!

To support your blood pressure health even further, we will also send you 17 Super Smoothies for Healthy Blood Pressure when you upgrade today.

We've created this book especially for our BP Thrive customers so they can enjoy even stronger, faster results, as easily as possible!

As soon as this digital gift lands in your inbox, you'll get access to:

17 smoothie recipes packed full of nutrient-rich ingredients proven to promote arterial vasodilation
Delicious options for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack, saving you heaps of time and money while supporting your blood pressure health
Preparation time, a full ingredients list, step-by-step instructions, and nutritional breakdown for each recipe, making life as simple as possible

Go ahead and enjoy one of these delicious, blood pressure lowering smoothies each day alongside BP Thrive for even faster results!

Bonus #3

9 Easy Ways to Boost Your Heart Health Naturally
Value: $19.95 | Today: FREE
$19.95 Free!

We wanted to leave no stone unturned when it came to helping our customers achieve better blood pressure control and a happier, worry-free future. Enter 9 Easy Ways to Boost Your Heart Health Naturally!

In this indispensable step-by-step guide, you will discover 9 simple yet powerful habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to support your heart health, which will also help to get your blood pressure moving in the right direction faster, and more importantly, keep it there.

In this comprehensive guide, you will discover:

The #1 blood pressure diet to follow, proven to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 11 points in just 2 weeks!
Natural, easy-to-source supplements clinically-shown to support heart health
Sleep hygiene tips to ensure a blissful night's rest each and every night, and a stronger, healthier heart
The ideal exercise plan shown to support cardiovascular health and balanced blood pressure
Stress-busting tips to help support your heart, reduce cortisol release, and dilate your arteries for better blood pressure control
And more!

Just imagine...

Icon 1
No longer having to fret about this invisible enemy, even if your family has a history of blood pressure issues
Icon 2
Eating your favorite foods, without stressing that you might be spiking your blood pressure with every bite
Icon 2
Enjoying supercharged energy levels and accomplishing more each day, because your circulatory system is running smoothly, just as it should
Icon 2
Sleeping soundly at night, because your blood pressure is finally in the normal range
Icon 6
Saving thousands of dollars on future blood pressure managements costs, and instead spending that money on the people and things you love
Icon 6
Spending real, quality time with your family and friends, safe in the knowledge that you have many more happy years to come

This is the kind of future that more and more men and women all over the country are now enjoying thanks to BP Thrive. And it’s all because they made one simple decision – to put BP Thrive to the test, completely risk-free for a full 6 months.

So right now,
you have two options:

You can choose the smart option, claim your FREE bottle of BP Thrive worth $59.95, and start on the path to improved blood pressure control, and live a happy, healthy and worry-free future.


You can do nothing. Continue on as you are, worrying about your blood pressure numbers and what the future might hold, and always wondering whether BP Thrive really was the solution you were looking for.

As a doctor, I believe we're all free to choose what's right for our own health.

But I’m 100% confident that BP Thrive is right for you.

So I hope you make the right decision, both for your sake, and that of your family, and claim your FREE bottle of BP Thrive today before all 300 bottles disappear and this special offer ends.

I look forward to hearing your success story very soon.

Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.D.
Zenith Labs®

P.S. Remember, this special offer could vanish at any moment. We want to help as many people as possible take back control of their blood pressure with BP Thrive, but due to the costs involved, we’ve had to place a strict limit on the number of bottles available. So take advantage now while you can and claim your FREE bottle of BP Thrive before all the bottles disappear. Your order is also protected by our industry-leading 6-month guarantee, meaning there’s zero risk.

Why Zenith Labs®?

Our formula for success lies in a holistic approach to health. Our research-backed supplements blend ingredients designed to enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms, particularly resonating with individuals over 40 who may be disillusioned with traditional medicine. And rather than leaving the responsibility of supplementation choices and combinations to consumers, we do all the hard work, providing complete, evidence-based support to complex health issues.

Working with our trusted suppliers, we seek out the best ingredients in the most bioavailable form possible, artfully combining them to work in synchrony with one another. Every ingredient we use is backed by leading scientific research, in doses proven for maximum efficacy.

Our premium, targeted solutions are manufactured in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility that follows current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), undertake regular strict third-party testing to ensure safety, purity and potency, and are proudly GMO-free. Zenith Labs® also stands behind our products, offering one of the most generous guarantees in the industry. We're proud to do things differently, because we think you deserve it.

Questions from the Community

Still not sure? No problem! To help you make your decision, here are the most frequently asked questions we receive about BP Thrive.

Click on the questions below to view the answers.

The Zenith Labs® Promise

100% Satisfaction

If you're not 100% satisfied, simply contact us for a full refund within 180 days, even if you've used up all your bottles.

Bulletproof Security

We use bank-grade 256-bit encryption to protect your personal information, every step of the way.

Premium Support

Our friendly customer support team is always on hand to answer your questions and provide any assistance you need.

Cutting-Edge Products

Our dedicated team of experts are always reviewing new scientific studies and technology to upgrade our product line.

Scientific References:

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